As SDělila Gluvčí Ostrava Police Eva Michalíková, there was an accident in the 9th Ledna in the morning of the eighth morning on Porubské Street in Ostrava-Porub. A crtly -baked boy input the way to the pedestrian, which gave him one of the cars.
“However, the second vehicle Jedouci from the street above Porubka Směrem to the main Třída, however, in Jízdě according to the raised information continued, thereby when the stun with an unleashed boy. This colize she said to the boy’s attending in the hospital, ”said the team that the boy of the street has a great deal from the circular area of the circular bid to the arch, that is, from the restaurant Kafe Palač to the Librex Librex.
The Řidič, who scored the boys under the sights of the width, stopped after a disadvantage, loaded the schoolboy in the car and took him to the faculty hospital. There he dropped him at the stops and took it. Podle police were a man in a thing about 60 flight and his car had an orange barva.
“In the respect of the accident, we turn to the bustle with the widths for help and cooperation with the identification of the Řidič. We are turning to the welcoming light and such a man to the man who has been fooling the boys and drains to the hospital, so that he himself will claim the traffic inspector, in the line 158, ”she added.
The police tracked off the Řidičs, which in the mouth of the guards: senior mel a car in a tin garage