
The highlands are troubled by ice, the road workers lost one spreader

“Currently, we have no reported traffic complications on the main routes. “Drivers can encounter roads that are less passable, especially on roads of lower classes, especially between the villages of Okrouhlice and Olešnice and near the village of Veselý Žďár in Havlíčkobrodsk,” informed the spokeswoman for the Vysočin police, Michaela Lébrová.

Drivers are careful, as of five o’clock Monday morning, the police received reports of only five traffic accidents, which fortunately resulted in no injuries. On Monday night, the police registered three more accidents.

One of them was the crash of a spreader, when the driver on duty crashed on Sunday before 11 pm near Dobrohostov in Havlíčkobrodsk.

“The driver with the truck, after passing the bend on the icy road, drove off the road, where the vehicle overturned on its side. There were no injuries,” said Lébrová. The driver’s breathalyzer test was negative, the accident caused preliminary damage of more than 100 thousand crowns.

In the morning, the police also informed about the closure of impassable road number 36034 between Jimramovské Pavlovice and Lísk in Žďársk.

On Sunday, it snowed in Vysočina, during the afternoon and evening the snow changed to rain. The glacier formed mainly in the Havlíčkobrod region and the Žďár region.

There is still a threat of ice. There are sections in the Highlands where even road users are afraid
