
In relation to the Ukrainian plan, Fico talks about the third world war

According to the TASR agency, Fico reiterated that he supports Ukraine’s membership in the European Union. However, according to the head of the Slovak government, Kyiv’s membership in NATO, which is one of the points of Zelensky’s victory plan, could trigger the third world war. According to Fico, Zelenský’s plan divides countries, which is also why the European Council did not take a clear position on it. “I belong to that part of the Slovak political representation which, if given the opportunity, will not agree to Ukraine’s membership in NATO at the national level,” said Fico.

The Slovak Prime Minister stated that Russia violated international law by invading Ukraine and occupying the territory of a neighboring state. In addition to Ukraine’s possible entry into NATO, Fico also criticized discussions about the possible delivery of medium-range missiles capable of hitting targets on Russian territory. “In front of all the EU leaders, in the presence of President Zelensky, I said that the government’s philosophy, which I know, continues to apply, that we want to focus on meaningful and rational cooperation with Ukraine, the result of which should not be killing, but helping people in need,” added Fico .

At the summit, Zelensky claimed that ten to twelve thousand soldiers from North Korea can support the Russian army. “We do not have such information, I can only comment on it if it is confirmed that it is true. If it becomes a reality, we will react to it. I don’t see a reason for it yet,” stated Fico.

The Slovak Prime Minister immediately asked the question whether foreign soldiers are also fighting for the benefit of Ukraine and how many different advisers there are from abroad. “But I won’t comment on it until I have it confirmed. I don’t give in to gossip,” added Fico.

The head of the Slovak government confirmed that Slovakia will not send any weapons or ammunition to Ukraine from its army stocks. Ficův Smér won last year’s parliamentary elections, in which he went with the slogan “Not even a bullet for Ukraine.” However, Fic’s cabinet does not prevent commercial supplies of ammunition. According to the prime minister, the Slovak government wants to focus on humanitarian aid and aid in demining Ukrainian territory.