That is, with an average of 22 two-day eight-hour working days per month. When converted to individual hours, the increase is from 4.50 to 4.80 CZK. “The total amount is based on data on the consumption of one adult person in an average household per hour,” said the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Reimbursement of costs was introduced last year by an amendment to the Labor Code. But employers can give a higher amount, or nothing at all. It depends on the agreement of both parties. Originally, the ministry planned that the lump sum would serve as a minimum amount, but the employers’ unions opposed it.
According to them, it would give people working from home an advantage over those who commute to work. Rather, they say they save because they don’t have to pay for transportation to work and for lunches during the lunch break in a restaurant.
From January, the reimbursement for food during business trips will also increase. The daily meal allowance for private companies will increase from CZK 140 to CZK 148 for a five- to twelve-hour trip, from CZK 212 to CZK 225 for a maximum eighteen-hour trip, and from CZK 333 to CZK 353 for a longer trip.
For employers from the public and state sectors, in the first case, the meal allowance will increase from 140 to 166 crowns to 148 to 177 crowns, in the second case, the range from 212 to 256 crowns will rise to 225 to 271 crowns, and in the third case it will rise from 333 to 398 crowns to 353 up to 422 CZK.
More for your own car
The basic compensation rate for the use of one’s own car for work purposes will increase from 5.60 to 5.80 crowns per kilometer driven. That’s an increase from 560 to 580 crowns per hundred kilometers driven. For motorbikes and tricycles, the kilometer rate will increase from 1.50 to 1.60 crowns.
On the contrary, reimbursements for fuel will fall. Employers will now pay employees 35.80 crowns instead of 38.20 crowns per liter of 95-octane gasoline. For 98-octane gasoline, it will be reduced from 42.60 to 40.50 crowns per liter. For diesel, it is a drop of four crowns to CZK 34.70.
The exception is electric cars, where the price per kilowatt hour of electricity will remain at 7.70 crowns.
CHANGES IN 2025: Drivers on D3 will accelerate to 150 km/h