Volunteer firefighters from Troubek helped to eliminate the consequences of devastating floods in Jesenice


Volunteer firefighters from Troubek helped to eliminate the consequences of devastating floods in Jesenice

Troubeč firemen went to the north of Moravia to Jeseníky to help as soon as possible. At the same time, they only luckily escaped the flooding of Troubek, when together with other colleagues, in the last moments before the culmination of the level of raging Bečvy above the village, they strengthened the waterlogged dam, which was already beginning to flow. “If it doesn’t last, we will have floods in the village again after fourteen years,” Pavel Mlčoch, deputy mayor of SDH Troubky, told Novinka.

Bubbling toilets foreshadow big water. They were heard in Troubky even now


But the reinforced dam withstood the water pressure and the residents of Troubek were relieved. As soon as the water in the river started to drop, the local “do-gooders” immediately thought about where to help in other regions. “We knew we wanted to help elsewhere. When there were floods in 1997 and 2010, everyone came to us. It’s like we good guys help each other. The Olomouc firefighters then asked us if we wanted to go to Mikulovice in Jesenice, where the situation was very bad after the flood,” said Mlčoch.

Photo: SDH Troubky

Volunteer firemen from Troubek helped liquidate the consequences of floods in Mikulovice in Jesenice.

Their task was to draw contaminated water from wells in the north of Moravia and clean them. At the same time, they pumped water from the cellars and cleaned up the mess. “We were in charge of one street in Mikulovice. For example, people brought destroyed things in front of their houses and we loaded everything into containers,” continued Mlčoch.

Even though the Trobeč firemen had their own experiences with floods in the past, seeing the result of the rampage of large water in Mikulovice did not leave them without emotions. “Immediately, memories came back to us, how we had to clean, clean, organize everything at home for several months. I felt sorry for those people. A big wave washed over here. It was apparently fast, like in our country in 1997, when three hundred houses had to be demolished. The barracks fell with a wave. When I saw the horror in Mikulovice, where there were no roads, bridges, houses, people lack gas, water, electricity… And at the same time, winter is approaching,” recalled the volunteer firefighter.

At the same time, he compared the situation with the flood in Troubky in 2010. “The later flood from 2010 was slower. The water poured into Troubek slowly and gradually, although it also reached a height of several meters. But it was not a destructive wave.’

They tried to put them in a better mood

Now in Mikulovice, the friendliness and awareness of the people got him when they learned where the four “good guys” came to help them. “We tried to give them a better mood, but it was difficult. Only when they learned that we are from Troubek did they become more communicative. They immediately knew which was the best and that we had enjoyed ours in the past. They were very happy that they were not alone in this and that we also came. Many knew very well that we narrowly escaped the flood in September. And when we talked about what and how things were in 1997 and 2010, they asked us, for example, how long people had been drying out their houses and cellars. Every piece of information and experience passed on was good,” Mlčoch pointed out.

Any free hand is good

Just like any free hand. As Mlčoch himself adds, he and his colleagues want to return to the north and continue to help, already because of the people, some of whom are almost falling into despair. “They just sat there and didn’t know what to do, how discouraged they were. Powerless. We told one gentleman that it cannot be near that house, that the structural engineer does not recommend it because of the risk of collapse. But he didn’t pay attention to that,” said Mlčoch and added: “We’ll see where we’re needed. If back to Mikulovice or to another affected village. We will go where help is needed.”

After the floods, we don’t have electricity or gas, says Mikulovic. The waste water flows into the river
