
The Slovak man who cut out his girlfriend’s heart and other organs got 23 years

The court also imposed institutional psychiatric and anti-alcohol treatment on Hanuska, the daily Sme reported. In his closing speech, Hanuska regretted his act. His defense attorney, Dávid Béreš, suggested imposing a lower sentence on appeal. “The defense believes that there are significant procedural circumstances and extraordinary factual circumstances that clearly, in their synergistic effect, create room for an extraordinary reduction of the sentence,” said Béreš.

As TV Joj reported, Hanusk’s defense attorney at the Bratislava city court also pointed out that the murdered woman was an alcoholic and a conflicted person. When she was drunk, Patrícia was supposed to humiliate her partner. Her family requested compensation in the amount of 100 thousand euros (2.5 million crowns), the court finally awarded her 2900 euros (over 73 thousand crowns).

According to the neighbors, curses and arguments were often heard from the apartment where Patrícia lived with Jozef for six years, witnesses claimed that they both drank daily and the man’s aggression escalated. In January 2024, Jozef strangled Patrícii and then, according to the file, a scene like a horror film followed. He cut out her heart, liver, kidneys, part of her face and thigh with a knife. He then threw the organs into a plastic bucket.

The brutal killer from Bratislava is the son of a strangler executed in 1981


Hanuska confessed to the crime and said during the interrogation that after the crime he wanted to jump from the Bratislava SNP Bridge into the Danube, but he was unable to do so. In the past, he was convicted five times, in one case for bodily harm.

Genetic predispositions

According to Slovak media, Hanuska is the son of strangler Štefan Pantl, who was born in 1954 in Bratislava and was convicted of murder, rape and theft. According to the website, Pantl worked as a mechanic of measuring and regulating devices at Slovnaft. At first glance, he appeared as a normal man with a family and a good job. “He led a double life – when he wasn’t harassing women, he was devoted to his family,” the website said.

In 1979, Pantl brought two women to his apartment and wanted them to have sex. After refusing, he strangled one woman with a bathrobe belt, beat and raped the other. “He then forced the woman to take a walk together. When she tried to escape, he caught up with her and started strangling her. He took a stick, which he pressed on her neck until she stopped breathing,” TV Joj described these murders. Later it became clear that he was also responsible for several other rapes. “Pantl was married and together with his wife they were raising a small son,” the television reported.

Clinical psychiatrist Svetozár Droba confirmed that Hanuska had inherited abilities. “Up to fifty percent of these genetic aptitudes are inherited. That genetic disposition is given, it is encoded in his personality structure,” added Droba.

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