
The end of the righteous lobby. State wants a special registry for help in nouzi

“People will be able to take power in one point of contact with a social worker of the municipal bump or social service providers, and would have to surf the website of the website. One address will be enough, ”says the Ministry of Labor in the Důvoda report in the draft Act on Social Workers. He sent it to the pitominum.

The register should include a registration number of a given social worker, his apples, the same, titles, service telephone number, e-mail address and area of ​​spilled under the indication.

“The extent of the data depicted by the data compared to the time of the time, for example, the websites of the ears or the social service providers, not,” said the ministry.

Double severance pay. ODS and Top 09 MPs proposed a prefix without granting a Duevoda


“As a coil, as the ministry writes, he does not. Většín’s man will call the municipal Úřad or find the worker in the advice and the worker will find relatively fast, ”Řekl Václav Krásá, a national council of persons with disabilities. The law does not have to be able to approve the law of the law to approve the law.

When it comes out, it would have a registration register from 2028. In the case of integration on yin systems, the cost of costing up to twenty million crowns.

New super -dawn morsa to take up, Jurečka.
