
The DPRK blew up the road connecting the country with South Korea

The destruction of the roads would correspond to the efforts of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to sever relations with South Korea, which propaganda portrays as the arch-enemy of the DPRK, the AP agency wrote.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are rising amid an escalating war of words after North Korea accused its neighbor of flying drones over the capital Pyongyang, where North Korea said drones had dropped “huge amounts” of leaflets over the city. The DPRK called this a political and military provocation that could lead to an armed conflict, Reuters noted.

Photo: South Korean Defense Ministry, Reuters

Smoke after the explosion of the road connecting the DPRK with South Korea

In the previous era of de-escalation on the peninsula at the turn of the millennium, the two states were connected by two roads and two railway lines, leading across the heavily fortified border. But later the operation was gradually stopped due to disputes over the North Korean nuclear program and other problems, AP wrote.

A spokesman for the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff on Monday refused to answer the question of whether the aforementioned drones were controlled by the South Korean army or civilians, Reuters wrote. She pointed out that on the same day, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un chaired a meeting with defense and security officials, which discussed the question of how to respond to the “serious provocation of the enemy”, the state news agency KCNA wrote.