
The Chinese government takes children from families in Tibet and sends them to boarding schools

Tibetan rights activists and UN workers have long confirmed that the communist country systematically separates Tibetan children from their families in order to gradually erase their identity. In this way, he wants to deepen China’s control over a nation that still defies it.

Schools publish propaganda videos where happy Tibetan children proudly claim Chinese nationality. Chinese officials claim that families send their children to schools voluntarily and that the children will learn, for example, modern economics thanks to the lessons. In addition, according to their claims, the students also have Tibetan culture lessons.

Testimonies from parents, lawyers and human rights experts published by The New York Times prove otherwise. In reality, the government closes many schools with Tibetan teaching. Those that remain are overcrowded and understaffed. Parents usually have no choice but to send their child to school in China and cope with the fact that the child will be estranged from them, because they do not have the opportunity to see him.

Modi pissed off Beijing. He visited the area, which according to China belongs to Tibet

The world

Gyal Lo, a Tibetan education researcher, was concerned about boarding schools back in 2016 when he saw that his two granddaughters preferred to speak Mandarin at home rather than Tibetan. “They started acting like strangers in their own house,” he said. During several years of research, he found out that only a few Tibetan students speak their mother tongue. He told the newspaper that parents often turn to him for legal advice regarding the treatment of children in boarding schools.

Studies at these schools include teaching in Chinese under the guidance of Chinese teachers, as well as studies based primarily on the country’s history and present day. The aim is to replace the Tibetan language, culture and Buddhist faith. Children learn to be loyal to the Chinese country while forgetting their own.

For Chinese President Xi Jinping, boarding schools are key to the integration of Tibetans into the communist nation. “Awareness of Chinese nationhood must be instilled in the souls of children from an early age,” said Xi.

“Children are not learning about their traditions and values,” Lo said, adding: “Boarding schools create physical and emotional distance from parents and family members.” Tibetan children suffer from being separated from their families and largely confined to their schools. . Human rights experts warn against psychological harm, such as anxiety, loneliness or depression.

Czech biked from Prague all the way to Tibet. On top of the world, you have reached the absolute bottom
