Edirne, Balkanlar


Edirne Will Be the Sports Center of the Balkans


Governor Sezer stated that Edirne will become a sports center with ‘Neighborhood Leagues’ and children will do sports.

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Edirne Governor Yunus Sezer said that Edirne will be the “sports center” of the Balkans.

In his statement to journalists, Sezer stated that they carry out many studies in the field of youth and sports.

Stating that they started “neighborhood leagues” that can be an example for Turkey, Sezer said, “We started them in all our neighborhoods, especially the disadvantaged neighborhoods.” he said.

Governor Sezer underlined that 9 thousand children started sports thanks to the project.

Explaining that with the “Neighborhood League” Project, all the needs of those who do sports are met, they are picked up from their homes and dropped off at their homes, Sezer said:

“We also provide food and clothing services and drop them off at home after they do sports. The aim is to keep them away from the streets and have a sporting talent come to the fore. We think ‘Let’s prepare our children for the future in the best possible way’. We also build neighborhood fields for this. Our Ministry of Youth and Sports ‘Edirne’ “He wants ‘to be the sports center of the Balkans’. We want this very much in every field. In this sense, some of the district fields are completed and some are under construction.”

Source: AA