
Striking stripes appeared on the Krkonoše meadows. It is a novelty in landscape care

“For example, butterflies can find food and shelter in uncut parts throughout the season, and their caterpillars have a place to complete their development. When strip mowing, it is necessary to remember that uncut areas should remain in a different place every season. Areas left unattended for a long time will begin to degrade again and the measures will lose their effect,” explained Radek Drahný, spokesman for the Krkonoše National Park.

Meadows appeared in the Krkonoše more than four hundred years ago in places where people cut down the forest. For generations, people farmed and maintained the meadows in such a way that they were always rich in species, an abundance of herbs grew here.

In the Krkonoše mountains, after the removal of the German-speaking traditional farmers, nobody took care of the meadows for several decades

Radek Drahný, KRNAP spokesman

“However, without human intervention, they degrade until they gradually disappear. Even in the Krkonoše mountains, after the removal of the German-speaking traditional farmers after the end of the Second World War, nobody took care of the meadows for several decades. They began to be overgrown with encroached trees and species richness decreased,” continued Radek Drahný.

Since the 1990s, however, the administrators of the national park have been trying to restore their balance to the meadows. Currently, with the help of farmers, they care for an area of ​​more than 600 hectares. Not one of them is the same, and even with an inexperienced eye you can find several types of meadow biotopes, different quality, worse and better places and places that are left to natural development.

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