
Putin is preparing the conditions for an attack on NATO, claims the German general

“The Russian armed forces are able not only to compensate for their huge personnel and material losses, but also to rearm successfully,” said Freuding.

He stated that at the moment it is not clear whether Putin is already planning an attack on NATO, but warned that he is “clearly creating the conditions” for it. “Production is growing, stocks in warehouses are growing,” he explained the reasons.

The British newspaper recalled that the Russian Federation redirected its economy so that it could feed the Russian war machine. In addition, it also obtains weapons from Iran and North Korea, which, according to Freuding, helps Russia replenish tanks, missiles and drones.

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This is another warning from a representative of a Western country against a Russian attack on the Alliance. Last year, for example, Polish President Andrzej Duda warned against it, according to which the Russians could attack as early as 2026. Others talk about a longer horizon of about five years.

They lost thousands of tanks

The Russian Federation suffered huge losses in its war against Ukraine. According to the analysts of the Oryx server, she lost at least 3708 tanks. Oryx identified these tanks based on photos or videos available on social networks. So Russia most likely lost even more technology.

However, it is not clear exactly how many tanks Russia had before the start of the war. Reuters reported last year that Russia had roughly 3,000 tanks ready for immediate deployment in 2022. Still, thousands more were waiting in warehouses and, after minor or major maintenance, they were also ready for battle.

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