
Mona Lisa gets a host. It will be possible to jit yen on her

“Louvre will be a renovan and more,” said Macron, who has set up the basic outlines of the plan in the hall, in Němž Hanging Malba Leonardo da Vinci.

The new input has to extend the capacity of the dying pyramids, which was the way of Macrona, as an entry prostor for the prospect of the millions of the year’s visitors, but the Museum is promoted in the last flight of the Millions. Thanks to the new entry of the prosons and the increase in the capacity of the exhibition halls will hold up to 12 million people according to President Louvre.

The Paris Louvre is in a deplorable state. His visit is a physical suffering


The entrance will be completed in the year 2031, the head of the Elysa Palace. He did not laugh about the cost, but the media is estimated at hundreds of million euros.

The Louvre Palace, which was in the Paris, built the ends of the 12th century, after the stalette was the official seat of the French kings. Ludvík XIV Louvre SE in the year 1793 became the Museum of the King of Arts.

The last major renovation with the tear of the time of the time was completed in the year 1989. .

Mona Lisa will be wicked up. Has to get in the louvre by a separate hostness
