The Russian independent web honeyage reported the Dlou’s planned database. He with appeal to anonymous sources from the Russian Ministry of Vnitra stated that since Jaro 2024 the probation of a discovery on the formation of a variable system of the sequence of the members of the international LGBTQ+ movement, which Russian Soud in ROCE 2023 described “extremist organizers”.
Outside generally, the narrative oppression and everyday agreement is made by the providers of the local police regular raids in the clubs where the community is scaled. In 2024, 42 raids in business throughout Russia, the dealer’s visitors often became beating and located hours on the floor, while investigating the investigation. Fines are distributed for the alleged “gay propaganda”.
Potírakí “Hopeless” in Russia supported and the local government
The Law on “Homosexual Propaganda” Kreml Krejl in the year 2013 with the heads of supporting “traditional” family values in Russia “. It is not clear to define its concept, strictly forbids LGBTQ+ Lidem how to project.
Žádná from the databázi has not been officially enlightened in a large municipal citizen of the lack of financial prospects and workers to the Ministry. Many police officers were on the Ukrainian front, he presented a source from the Ministry of Vnitra. Police Science Informal Seznamy Person from the decisions of the Russian Narose Souda, writes the website with appeal to anonymous dispatcher.
“Security charts scored from computers all books on reservation, they received information about hundreds of our clients,” he said of a raid in Sibiřské queer to the Zaper of one of the Zaměstnanci. These plugs, however, will accompany the outwardly accession of the police. The detection of genital or mandatory visitors of the psychiatric mandatory fraction is a fraction of bullying.
The Ministry plans to Zaměřit databases on prostitutes and prostitutes and other sexual workers as a stripper. It purposely wants data to provide so much so that every below the words of the sources “Prověřit Friends of the Famousness”.
“The word and the person is enough to be removed, announced, his children’s deless, the enhes on the queue or the psychiatric beam, the lid -law activist Evelina Čajka. Following the represion of the LGBTQ+ community in government structures is not peelable.
Women’s steams and a fairy -tale. Pairs after a raid in the Russian club threatens for “extremism” up to 10 flight