
Little Lucifer almost broke the internet

A strange coincidence in the maternity hospital further fueled the traditional “devilish” associations with the baby’s first name. According to the website of the Daily Mail, Lucifer was born in the University Hospital in Middlesbrough in delivery room number six, then he and his mother were placed in room number six, where he occupied bed number six.

The uproar around little Lucifer started when the hospital included him in a post on Facebook about New Year’s babies. But the critics who almost destroyed the Internet didn’t just rub the name Lucifer. The boy was given a second name, Gary, which people on social networks liked just as little as the first. Some comments were so hateful that the hospital had them removed from Facebook.

He is also named after his uncle

The couple from Redcar in North Yorkshire keep explaining that the true meaning of the name Lucifer is light bearer. He also recalls that they were inspired by the series where Tom Ellis plays a devil who got fed up with hell and founded a nightclub in Los Angeles. “And he’s named Gary after his mother’s uncle, who died in childhood,” added Stefan.

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However, the negative reaction regarding the choice of name was not limited to the Internet. Some family members and friends did not like it. “Have you thought about what it will be like at school?”, according to Jess, mainly older relatives and friends asked.

“We are normal loving parents and we certainly have no intention of associating our child with the devil. The name is beautiful and actually means ‘light bearer’ and that’s exactly what our little boy did: he brought light into our lives,” explained the happy mom. She added that they already have a vicar who is willing to baptize their Lucifer.

History of the name Lucifer

The name “Lucifer” comes from the Latin meaning “light bearer”.

It is also the Latin name for the planet Venus, i.e. the Morning Star.

The earliest use of the name in this context appears in the Bible, where it is used to describe a fallen angel, interpreted to represent a once-glorious being who was cast down from heaven.

Over time, however, this name began to be associated with the story of Satan’s fall.

Gnostics interpreted the meaning of this name as enlightenment or liberation rather than the embodiment of evil.

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