
It gave it to it. Above the Letist in Washington SE already loni twice a theme of the aerial

Air prostor over Washingtonem DC sdíli Three significant civilian flight and několik army foundation. The most part of the leaflet is the reagen’s rights of the National National Letter, the Throughout of the Medical Through the Thingees. Above the team, already in Dubna 2024 themes of the summer of Southwest and JetBlue, and the covers of the next of the American Airlines, Jen Těsně, avoided Kolizi with Little Letounem, reports agency Reuters.

Reagan’s flight is 24. Although it has three ranveje, but it is short of them, and so more than 90 % of the flights use his main early early, part of them with the vision than 800 rains and take -offs of a day -to -the -first -way, the most out -of -the -wid -wanderest morning in the ground. This means that it or the airfare of the bottom of the day is that every minute of him.

The nearby military foundation was the meis of flights 2016 and 2019 in the circuit 48 kilometers round by the flight of 88 thousand flights of helicopters. This will be accompanied by a long -term insufficient aircraft controllers, which has saved all the united stands and reaches the layout of flights and an increase in security risks.

A flyer on the wicked route from Wichita in Kansas and Army helicopter, which scored over Washington, below the new Minister of Transport Sean Duffy Letěla by the Běžný trajectory. The crew of the helicopter was the allegedly cracked and was the fact that the civilian Letoun in her proximity, and even when the precipitates occurred. Meanwhile, the army and the Ministry of Defense Jih launched an investigation of the incident, Duffy stated that the Federal Aviation Administration also lists the possibility of adjusting the air routes so that the tragic endeavor does not repeat.

Everything after death. After the crash of the in Washington’s airgot
