A graduate of the Prague Law Faculty, she emigrated to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1982, where she worked at the radio station Svobodná Evropa, then in 1989 she headed to Canada.
After returning to her homeland, she worked as an assistant to the president of the Constitutional Court and was later appointed a judge of the Supreme Court. Then she also stood at his head. She continued her career as a judge at the Constitutional Court for ten years.
Subsequently, she was elected senator for the Green Party in Brno.
It is with regret that we received the news that the emeritus vice president of the Constitutional Court, Eliška Wagnerová, one of the most important figures in modern Czech legal history, died yesterday evening.
◾️https://t.co/fcmrUpQd7P pic.twitter.com/ZQmrOB8F7v— Constitutional Court (@usoud_official) January 19, 2025
“Eliška Wagnerová never tried to please the powerful. She hated timidity, snobbery, sparrows in a handful and castles in the air, but she fought like a lioness for the rights of the last of the last. She didn’t make many friends among politicians, but among her colleagues she did,” reminded the ÚS.
“When I expressed my admiration to her some time ago for the fact that she was never afraid to assert what she considered right, she corrected me that she had experienced fear many times, but in the end she always knew what needed to be done,” recalled Wagner’s constitutional judge Tomáš Langášek .
Secretary General of the ÚS Vlastimil Göttinger added to the positions of the vice president emeritus that “she had an increased level of sensitivity towards the oppression of the weak, defenseless and sick”.
The truth is not in doubt, the ÚS rejected the complaint of the communist Skála about the massacre in Katyn