
Czech Wool Wave Propomy – News

Society of the ravages of promotion in large, at the same time, have already announced the Přesun production outside the Czech Republic. According to the ČR ČR Během, the last ones of the Municipalities of Loňska announced the mass of 51 companies, and the work in them will go to Přes Pět and půl thousands of Zaměstnanců. This is twice Tolik Fir and Více than the Ctyřek Proposted than they used to be a quirk of churches.

Duevodes propelinee. Spolana has a decreasing pop -up after petrochemical products and higher costs. Another company that will dream of the number of Zaměstnanců, Nošovická car manufacturer Hyundai, this lifts the low outcome of electric vehicles. Podle Dr. The Oetker is not suitable for the production of food production and not to modernize. The company equals Růst Cena and raw materials.

In Mitas, the production of tires by the Mateřské Society of The Yokohama Rubber Company is inefficient and uses outdated procedures. In addition, Czech companies have been recorded by record inflationary ripples from the past crowd flight into the remaining of the meis.

Energy Prices of Well crushed by Czech companies


Těžká is situations in the car industry. He is struggling out of Jiné with a drop in the power of electricobile. The manufacturers of AutoSedadel Adient in the Czech Republic propds about 1100 zaměstnanců, summer intends to discontinue production in the plant in the Czech Límpa and the year is guarded for a year under Ralskem.

“It is a dumelide of all the negative people we see each other. For example, the problems of the regulation, which prevents the rapid development of electromobility, but the parties do not act that the parties do not act, ”Řekl novelty the executive elaboration of the car industry Zdeněk Petzl.

The manufacturers must thus be unused by the production of the vehicle by a burner engine, or it is part of the supplier rings, which is fluctuated, and can be done by considerable economic.

“We are here, but also other unnecessary interventions in the market, which we know about the fact that it will turn out to us, if it is a mistake of provading legislation to the emission norms Euro 7, or unrealistic requirements for recycled, potentially EVROVSKÝ UNDER PRODUCTS in the batteries,” .

Přesuny production abroad, mainly in the grounds with lion -wide work and energy, you are the more bažněja and have an impact on the Czech labor market.

In the combination of the higher energy price than the extended markets or non -fleas sub -mining on the labor market, it is also a consistent maintenance of production in the EU.

“At the same time, we will be able to make productions into the lands with lower standards, and the discussed CO2 emission, or the next topic, doubts the Evropian efforts in this field. In each all, all these pressures are spilled to make it to the proposal, ”Petzl said.

It is a good idea to see it in the Czech companies in a smaller mile, when he thinks about dreaming of the number of widths in decades to hundreds, perhaps preferably with agency workers.

The main problem is the energy

“But in Germany, we see it strongly intensely. We have to doufat that they will be awarded the production of groups to the Czech Republic, the protozoa is still competitive. To make it so, it is a flexible labor market and energy prices, ”he pointed out.

The proposal and the production of yinam production, even in other retaliation, records such personnel agencies. “We still have the team with the team that the companies of the country, as competitive, when the production in the tribal is more expensive. Přesuny production abroad, prime to the lands with a basin of work and energy, you are the more bažněja and they have an impact on the Czech labor market, ”said Business Return Advantage Consulting Gabriela Hansliková.

The main impacts of the way in the regions, where many manufacturing company are dependent on exports, mainly in the region. It is a Moravian -Silesian Region, the Ústí region of the Pardubice or the Moravian School Region. “When the Němesté companies omemate the production of the heaven, it is jinam, it is polluting it to their Czech suppliers,” she said.

It refers to the automotive, textile or chemical consultation. Talk to the energy prices and the next costs do not reduce, it will let go of Hanslikova that Přesuny will continue to continue. “For Czech companies, this means a great risk, especially to disadvantage of the narrowing on the Němecé námeratel. Help could be investigated in technologies and automation, loving new customers, and the extensive expansion of their activities outside the EU, ”he says.

Companies in Evropo also bother a considerable regulation. Zájména autoprůmysl, but the number of the introductions of the additional whole in the US. I will be able to see the PWC analyst Dominika Kohuta by the Evropian car manufacturer to consider the Přesun Časti from production with sales to the US market for the ocean. This would have an impact on their suppliers to the Czech Republic, and it would have led to another promotion.

“Machinery companies are chasing the lower cost of work forces and the production costs of Eastern Evropo or Asia,” added Kohut.

Cast of Lidi will replace the artistic intelligence

I will get to the fact that the Czech Republic is a long -harsh land with the uncertain praise of non -secrecy in the Evropian Unii, but the softened wave of proprice will not give up to the analysts of the fact that situations would be dramatic in our country.

The work of the work at the end of Loňska registered 306 478 unceduished, about 16 thousand Víc than the towns of the woods. At the same time, the niche thousand has taken free screens, but still was 246 573.

To the next dreaming of the number of Zaměstnans, according to the cohut will be the mainstream of qualified professions, which companies can gradually replace the artistic intelligence and other technologies. “The chiefs of the bosses of our current prosecu are that it is that the number of use of their companies will fall in this time in selected positions,” he pointed out.

Chemist Spolana propusti 500 lidi


The fact that Poptava after the work of the power of the Czech Labor Market is still very strong, also pointed out by the Chamber of the Czech Republic. “The staff of the worker is a firing company by one of the most of the most of the union of their business. It is likely to be similar that, for example, the workers of the promotional staff of the processing of the process of a very quick finding of the application of the use of the services, ”said her analyst Roman Renda.

Martin Mali Mali from Grafton Recruitment was that he is behind the proposal of insolvency businesses that are unable to be able to get enough chases. “In the same time – and there is a risk – we will propose to the prices of energy, which will be able to accept the shareholders, which will make production into the yines, energy -efficient grounds,” Řekl.

It is the regions, where the proposal is worthy, belongs to the randstad of Martin Jánský and the Center, the Liberec and the Jihomoravian region. Důvody is also a good time. “From the decrease of subscription, the production of production to the jiné location from the Higher Higher cost of the provoz to the investment to the modernization. In the more energy -intensive dedication, playing the decisive role of high energy prices that dream the competitiveness of our company and their products, ”he said.

Earn will be on the same

Jánskýcáčímá proposaltímého more in the first and second churches of the summer year. “Then the situations could calm down. What is the top flight, it is a difficult development to predict – dependent will be more on the political and economic factors. I will go to the profile of our economy will be worthwhile to develop developments on foreign nurses, special in Německa, ”he added.

Again to propelist I and bankruptcy

In the Czech Republic 2024 in the Czech Republic, 686 company went bankrupt, which is a foam of procent vision than in the year 2023, according to the analysis of the CRIF – Czech Credit Bureau.

At the same time, it was the submission of 1082 proposals for bankruptcy, about the threshold of the procents of the Meziročné Více.

For the alignment, in the sousdnice, many of Poland have increased the number of corporate bankruptcies by 11 procestically to 436 parishes, the MGBI’s Instruction Society stated.

Worse worse situations are in Německa. The number of bankruptcies of the companies is the one of the Čttém Loňské Čtletleci Podle Institutu iWh Meziročné o 36 procest at 4215.

These bankruptcies in Germany have made 38,000 workers’ work a theme, Cosh is 17 Procent Viea than Předloni.

And another economic thing that the labor market could be able to benefit from clinging. ČSOB analyst Dominik Rusinko Novékí Řekk, that the flat and significant dreaming of the number of Zaměstnans in the germ car industry is not running.

“Companies are typically responding to the decline of subsidia, it is not very true by the end of the recruitment of new workers, and subsequently dreaming of the agency’s status, and only as the last option chooses a reduction in the condition of the tribal industry. Even the way the labor market is still instead of a long -lasting trend, when the company tries to keep the money with the assumption of the recovery of the activity of the activity in their sector, ”he said.

Během Winter covers, according to the same time, will be used to increase the unconditional dála above the Prosinc’s 4.1 procents, but the first of all the typical seasonal matter. “There is no threat of jumping the number of non -damaged numbers yet. However, this is true for the assumption that the domestic economy will accelerate in this year and the NEA from the second half of the year will be revived by foreign subspecies, ”Rusinko said.

The Czech Republic unusually high. Nemocnostrity extended to 4.1 procents
