
Belgia has a new government headed by a fatal nationalist. The acting lasted seven

In the History of Ji to tell the nationalist and anti-immigration of the new Family Alliance (N-VA). In the summer of 2014 to 2018, she had flown away on the government, but never had the post of Prime Minister. The party is what the most autonomy for the burden and Valonsko. De Wever has been headed by the N-VA party since 2004, for the twin flight of the marginal side with one deputies promoted in one of the most political power in the country.

The Čtypadesátiletý leader, which twisted the flight, was like the mayor of the second best, Belgia and the important perception of Antwerpy, is thus the first fighter warrior for independence headed by the Belgian Federal Government. He and the pages of his coalice aware of the land of the right, the precisely government agency AFP.

Belgian Prime Minister Někdo sent Strychnin


Political parties in Belgia SE in Fri Ohla after the axis of the Muscisions from the election agreed to the ruling coalici. Koalii, behind the burglary of the earth, to create de Wever’s nationalist n-va, which after the Loňian Wrong Choices became a more political political party in Belgia, socialist part of the Vooruit and the Křesťan-Democratic and Party Party (CD & V). For the Frankophonian Belgia, the Liberal Reform Moves (MR) and the centrist Party of Les Engagés.

The government sets do not bother in Belgia a snack. Belgia of the number of new governments keeps the world record in Délce. In the summer of 2010 and 2011, her politicians needed 541 days. Sensor of situations also after Loň’s elections, which won the right -wing and centrist parties both in the Výmky Slávíci Northern Earth, where it is usual, as well as on the Frankophonní Jihu.

An armed man SE tried to invade the Belgian Prime Minister’s office
