Baykar Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Selçuk Bayraktar, Kosova


Baykar Board Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar visited Yunus Emre Institute in Kosovo


Baykar Board Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar came to Kosovo as part of his Balkans tour and visited the Yunus Emre Institute. Bayraktar met with the young people at the institute and received a Prizren painting as a gift.

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Baykar Chairman of the Board Selçuk Bayraktar visited the Yunus Emre Institute in Kosovo, where he came as part of his Balkans tour.

Baykar Board Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar came to Kosovo as part of his Balkan tour. Coming to Prizren, a city in the southern part of Kosovo with his family and where the Turkish population is densely populated, Selçuk Bayraktar visited the Yunus Emre Institute. Bayraktar, who was welcomed by Ramazan Yılmaz, the Director of the Yunus Emre Institute, met with the young people in the software and robotics workshop that will participate in Teknofest. Institute Director Yılmaz presented Bayraktar, who examined the work of the young people and received information, with a copper-engraved Prizren painting.

After visiting the institute, Bayraktar toured the city with his family. – PRIZREN

Source: UAV