Omluva was in Čtvrtek on the input of the parliamentary letters on the web, where these Zeman’s statements were heard. So the judgment of the Rakovnický souda must be equal to the written omluvo Malu Sarapatko and pay him 50 thousand crowns.
“I have been allowed this to do this, the team, I was known to be false and dehonesting, and the team for the sake of Omlouvám,” he says in Omluvě.
It is already the second omlua, which Zeman Vůč Sarapatko narked Soud. In the first one, it was a landlord of 2017, when in the TV Barrandov Řekl that he threw away the failure for the inability. The Sarapatka ended up on the government of the government after the agreement.
The second of the second from 2024 Sees the rights of the parliamentary website, where Zeman stated in the interview that “Mr. Sarapatka is můža Chlubit team that it is the only advisor that was thrown out by two premieres”.
Zeman SE must again Malluvit Sarapatko and pay for the pomully