
To the ends of the Leda, the above -mentioned temperature, the weekend will return the dreams

“In Monday, the warm jihozozná promise will return to us, but the monster in the wicked ripple, the cold queue, the pronounced greeding but the non -tensions. This is what we can do for the weekend, when the cold air from the northwest pronounces us and the temperature of the northwest. In Sonly, the ocular snacks from the long -standing position, ”said the character of the weather to this Tyden Honsová.

In Ponděli After the morning mire can dream the grip, cloudy to zatuženo pak zedanne throughout the day, only unique will be cloudy. Following the large clouds of the same clouds and the same or the weather will begin to the cold fronts from the west.

The maximum temperatures of the high high, mesi 6 and 11 ° C, in the east territory there will be a fresh jelly lifter with a speed of 55 km/h, in the mountains up to 70 km/h, Což dreams of feeling temperature.

In sterile We will worry about the cloudy to buried weather with the screens of the same, the mountains, the mountains with a dreaming. Look at the afternoon, the clouds of clouds and stabbing the sources will occur. Morning temperatures to move 4 and 0 ° C, diaries 5 and 10 ° C.

VE Center It will be cloudy to cloudy, uniquely, there is a spiring in the mountains. Morning temperatures are to be 4 to 0 ° C, diaries from 4 to 9 ° C.

VE Čtvrtek would have a cloudy cloudy to cloudy. After the morning we can wait for the mlting or low clouds. Morning temperatures are to move 2 and -2 ° C, diaries from 5 to 10 ° C.

In Pátek Lze dur Čekat cloudy, Zaláženo and after the morning a mile, in the mountains a unique snorkel. Morning temperatures 2 to -2 ° C, after which 4 to 8 ° C.

In Saturday SUS to the clouds of the miraca máta přidat Déšť, in the mountains of snorkey. In the morning temperatures drop to 2 to -2 ° C, the day will be 2 and 6 ° C.

In They were not It will be cloudy to Zaláženo, Misky Déšť, from the centuries position. Morning temperatures of the mens of 1 and -3 ° C, the day will be 1 to 5 ° C.

Temperature records fell in the Czech Republic. Jaro but Měla Jen Čask of the Republic

The weather

What does the “unique” of the or “mirats” mean
:: is unique – Jev saves 5 % to 29 % of the territory, so they are in the case.
:: In the vet’s territory – Jev sis on the Více than 50 % of the territory, ie on the more than half the way.
:: Clear – the sky is unpleasant without clouds.
:: cloudy – 3 to 4 eighths of clouds, covered is half the sky.
:: Almost Zalazeno – 6 to 7 Osmina clouds, the sky is a theme covele.