
The population of China fell last year for the third year in a row

The population of China fell by 1.39 million people last year. 9.54 million children were born in the country, which was almost half a million more than in 2023, when the figure reached a historic low, Reuters reported. The number of deaths fell slightly to almost 11 million people.

The Chinese government is trying to reverse the declining birth rate trend. As part of these measures, in 2016 the Chinese authorities abolished the one-child policy introduced at the end of the 1970s, the aim of which was to stop the then population explosion.

However, according to demographers, a more significant increase in the birth rate is hindered by a number of factors, such as the high costs of childcare and living in cities, weak economic dynamics and uncertainty on the labor market.

China has a big problem. A ticking demographic bomb

The world

Other countries in the region, such as Japan and South Korea, are also experiencing population decline or stagnation. China is also facing an aging population. Last year, 22 percent of China’s population, which is roughly 310 million people, was over 60 years old. By 2035, according to estimates, this share should increase to 30 percent, which is causing, among other things, debates in the country about raising the retirement age, the AP agency reported.

Another problem facing China’s demography is the imbalance in the numbers of men and women. According to official sources, there are 104 men for every 100 women. However, according to some analysts, the disparity is probably greater than the official figures show. The situation is the result of the one-child policy and cultural patterns favoring male offspring.

Due to unfavorable demographic developments, China ceased to be the most populous country in the world in 2023, which, according to UN estimates, became India. In total, approximately eight billion people live on Earth.

Chinese women are photographed with fake bellies. They want to have maternity pictures while they are young and beautiful

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