
The man in the center of Prague brutally attacked the dives of the dives, stuck to the ground on the ground

The attack occurred in the second half of the letterpad in Pod Vánekovo Street in the center of Prague. The man in the half of the morning on the street addressed the two twenty -offs. You are not very jarly for him for his perception that he does not miss his perception.

But this was not discouraged by the 31 -year -old man and immediately began to attack. “Women have to listen, the protozza podřadné,” the man said to women. And then he added, “You will see that you could turn you off here?” Immediately then he went to the attack, when the girls began to sow the wounds of the bed, zájména in the head area.

One divky put in the kidney with his hand, which was holding the lahev vodka, so strongly that it immediately seated to the ground. “Her friend Ji tried to defend, and she, too, was the immediate attack of the hard blows of the bed to the kidneys, when the whole attack ended up in a moment, when the victims were fooled on the ground. Immediately sweat the attacker sebled his freezer vodka from the earth and glowed unknown where, ”he dopped the police in the police.

November of Poté added that the man is not a custodian, a citizen of the Czech Republic.

Divks had to decide the wounding of the Lékařská help. Mesity for men started a criminalist search.

“Criminals from 1. Selections of Prague and I gave camera records and started immediately after the podsřelé men instant search. After leading many acts and a fierce surgical search activity, the criminals were given the trace of the criminalist and at the end of Ledna they retained it, ”added the hero.

A man is accused of committing the crime of rioters and bodily harm, in the case to spend up to three years.

I was afraid of breaking her head, she depicted the wanderer of the drunk police. They were looking for harsh barriers from the camera
