He considers the provocated attack, the disadvantage of the shark touches the shark, captures the sier or Jinak. It is possible to calculate the nine and the nail contacts, for example, when the Surfař of the shark will blame the sight.
Unrollled attacks are initiated by shark. Lze is to distinguish on the types. The first one is called “Hit-and-Run“(Udeř and Run). He does not see the shark attack, the shark is biting and the pak immediately mixes. Experts will be said that in this way, the predator has confused the křist.
The second type is “Sneak Attack“(A harsh attack). Even in this way, the defense of the shark does not see, and in the same time, he suffers very serious injuries, which can end with death. The shark considers a person to be a victim from the surprise and attacks her as food. However, these attacks are very rare.
Three of the type of attack is an attack “Bump-and-Bite“(Udeř and Kousni). The shark bikes sacrifice, and before bite, so it will hit it and thermal tehrve bite. The shark tests it, whether it is a prevention of his mission by a suitable kořistí. Another bite is based on the breeding of a pushed, like the panic breeding and the sharp movements of the shark guess, that it is a royal, and the reengers will follow the next bite, which lives fatal.