
Putinův ally of the sole of the scandal of the Russians from the announcement with Trump: the rye fast shift does not need

“In general, we will be a person’s one hundred days that it is already a hundred days that the ninemoies are unable to do so, or to the actual shift in the process, again to return to the routine phase – to the municipalities and to the municipalities and possibly to déle. In a certain sense, it is more comfortable for Russia, and when to dedicate decisions, no one is good, ”Lukjanov Tassa. Neprimo confirmed that Russia will not be rushing with the act.

“The time is not on the party of Ukraine. This is the theme of Konsensus. Time is on the party of Russia, decisive is the dynamics of military operations. The problems of the probes of slowing before they want to want, they will proceed with one smoker and the union change is not in this dynamice, ”Lukjanov added.

“Těžko Říci, what Míry is worth the time on the side of the Ukrainian allies. I think you do not. The divets of the time of the graduation, so these two threes of the city could change the dynamics on the fighting of the fights of Russia’s prospects, which will be so big on the Decree to political leveling, ”says Lukjanov.

Rubio: suggest that Ukraine will defeat Russia and the world will be like Rokem 2014, is dishonest

War in Ukrainian

What you occupy, you have it

“In our position, there is trumpm situations on the front. Without sunbathing, as Trump has a thicker, he understands. He and all rounds of the bikes of the fact that Ukraine could overcome all. What will it protrude, and what is the case with the same way that Ukraine will last, the team approaching Trump must be all overwhelmed. He would like to go out, but I think the Russian side will not make a bother that it would be able to make it just, ”odevřene posed Lukjanov. “This means that Trump will have to engage in more elegant interviews,” he added.

With the procedure on the front, it is all simple: “It is clear at the territory: how much you kill, Tolik is yours.”

But from his words, it is clear that he counts with the team, that Russia will win Jen what it already occupies, even when repeatedly refers to Putin’s projects, in them it demands clothing whole Luhanski, Doněcké, Zaporožské and Cher She has already formalized.

Dear problem for Ukraine. The Russian Utahuji loops the round of the Great Novosilky

War in Ukrainian

The problem of the problem is to expand NATO

“The main statements are not an important thing,” says Lukjanov, who is thus sucking on the leader of the great entertainment of Russia. When he recalled the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, that Russia is precisely and wants to re -conflict, Řekl: “His tire includes the return of the problem and his removal. That’s hardly what Trump would like to want. ”

He considers the problem of the problem to be extended to the east, about Němž Russia, Ještě, is invited to Ukraine.

However, there is any result of Lukjanov as a difficult result: “There are any agreements on the dreaming of the level of military forever. This is prestigious, taking into account that Trump’s main outline is not on the Evrop, but in the silence area, but it would not consider it as likely. ”

Ukraine will not be in NATO, it is a germ demand, a Russian diplomat. He praised Fica

War in Ukrainian

Trump can’t lose your face

He pointed out that Russia could not count on the team that Trump would make a complete defeat of Ukraine: “Trump cannot lose his face. To make it possible, the situators (USA Joe ex -president) Biden in Afghanistan must not be committed. The agreement that he will take on will be played by the factor. ”

The great deal will not be a simple, precise Lukjanov: “We have to be replaced on the help of a hard conversation of the listens of bluff.”

It is such a question of how Trump responds: “Trump’s administration is confronted with the team that her storms based on insolence, the evocation of the bour and pressure that the results in some of the results, the results in the most important people of the new conflict. This is not the case with the most difficult problem. The risk is related to the question of how it will preserve in such a way. We don’t. It is always aware that it is not customary to retreat. He did not unusual for the sequences. Jiné does not even have access. ”

The entitle of Trump is so simple: “And what you would never have to darlat is to bend SE. Trump respects the use of you who projects endurance. And the right does not weigh the Evropanos. Evrophane is afraid of being angry with the older partner, so he is wondering what attacks him. ”

Comment: Evropa must finalize the answer and one – Alex Švamberk


Evrop is no longer so needs

Russia sázi that he has Jiné Cíle, warns the Lukjanov, according to Moscow, he plays to Karet, that he is a foster on the eVrop, Což Trump not. “It is meant and he is crucial in Cís. It is necessary to terminate the bloodprolles, which I think, I think it does not go. Perhaps it suits all other problems for Evropana – it is your continent, you with the team eradicate. Ukraine offers him from his movement from the more important routine. ”

However, even in Evropa, he does not count on a clear response: “Evropa is confused and understand how to behave. On one side, there is a greatness of her addiction to the US that it seems that it is preased to be replaced by all that it is. On the other side of Trump, the breakup with the policy of politics is so sudden and demonstrative that the Evropa will be able to stand up to the shortens and try to get it helps to help “any provocation”. Ukraine will make the main spa of such provocation. ”

Greeding: Even the West will not take us away from the territory. The Miro will be the need for 200,000 allied soldiers

War in Ukrainian

According to Lukjanova, Ukrainian will be without Ukraine. He became the fact that the slogan without Ukraine Nelze, Ukrainian, referred to the liberal svět Řád, where you are equal. But this is no longer the case: “Trump does not think that the all earth is equal. There are an earth that is the main one, and the unauthorized one, which is what they say. ”

“We will be talking about any hypothetical big conversations, so probably not, the protozo is sitting at the table of the Earth of Jina Caliber. But I don’t blame such conversations, ”he added.

He also wanted to create a new sightseer: “The mes of the same stand for him. And China would be behind him. And Russia. Evrop is no longer so necessary, the protozo does not return the clarity defined by the international entity, when it reaches an important, essentially important object. ”

Greek you banned Russian? Putin příšel with absurd legal construction

War in Ukrainian