Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Arnavutluk Ziyareti Öncesi Tiran


President Erdoğan Decorated Tirana with Flags Before His Visit to Albania


Before President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Albania, the streets of Tirana were decorated with Turkish and Albanian flags. Flags were hung on the route Erdoğan will pass and in the ‘Mother Teresa’ square. In addition, Tirana Namazgah Mosque, the largest mosque in the Balkans, the construction of which was undertaken by Türkiye, was also prepared for the opening within the scope of the visit. Erdoğan will go to Serbia after his contacts in Albania.

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Before President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Albania today, the streets of the capital Tirana were decorated with Turkish and Albanian flags.

Flags of the two countries were hung on the route that President Erdoğan will use during his visit to Albania and in the “Mother Teresa” square in the center of Tirana.

In addition, the Tirana Namazgah Mosque, which is the largest mosque in the Balkans and whose construction was undertaken by Türkiye, will be opened within the scope of Erdogan’s visit, and was decorated with flags.

After his contacts in Albania, Erdoğan will also visit Belgrade, the capital of Serbia.

Source: AA