How is the current situations in Kharkovo? How does the Běstý day look like and how frequent attacks?
Sometimes it is a classic day and it is silent, sometimes the attack of the sky, to which you can do. We have an alarm in the last day every hour. In 2024, we calculated that a total alarm lasted 157 days. The castle was 318 attacks and destroyed 2500 houses.
Above the city of Porád Drona Šáhid, we do not like the man, if we are flying to us, heaven, he or she is prolít and směřují někam dál. So we have to be a shield.
How is this constant tension, which has been going on for years, will he handle the citizens of Kharkova?
We know that when it is a war, so it has a lid on the psyche of the people. We will be able to talk about the momentary health or mood, so we can say that we are in a great mood. But we have a combat mood.
The man landed at the entrance to the subway, another one in the car. Reporter Novinek Popsal Night Bombardovanie Kiev
In the past, you are sweat, which the Russian spoke to Kharko, faced with a huge wave of emigration, and then the return of a significant amount of residents. How big problems did the city from the movement of the operation and the zero service of the servants?
Kharkov read the war, including the agglomerace, two million residents. When the war, so were the time to the start, when there were 300,000 people in the Czech Republic, but when the situations changed a little, so in the waves of waves began to return. When the city is 1.2 million. Of course, everything had to be adjusted to make the city work as it should. It is a complex matter.
What is the most difficult problems of Kharkov in the beginning, when do we turn off the firing?
The primary attacks, but the city must still work. We have problems with the supply of electricity, heat, water. It must be threatened by the balance of the garbage, it must work tire -right to the inhabitants to feel very comfortable despite the fact that it is a war.
Do you challenge the challenges, or is the electrřina třeba Jen a few hours day?
What is the electricity, so we do not make anything with the team, the supplies are stated, and we will see the consequence of the attack destroyed by the lesser transformer station and the first energy infrastructure, so if we would like to help us. We may have the maximum help to liquidate the consequences. What is up to us, so we try to make a lot of time and I think the whole festival. But the hundred helps us very much, which is to support the support of the activity and life in the city.
In the Kharkova, the still inhabitant who would like to live under the Russian flag? Is it a problem?
Yes, you are so people there, but there are few of them. The problem for us will not set aside, in terms of this, it is an older lid, who loves love to reminiscent of the Sovětetský slot and has gone through the mentality, no one is not coming. They often have bad relationships with family, younger generations. But there are few such people.
Ihor Terechov
Primatorem Kharkova was Zvolen in a listopad 2021. But in fact he performed this position from 24. Prosiness 2020, when to Covid-19 land the mayor of Genadiy Kernes, the protozo was the first mayor.
He has been working on the Růheal Points, Worry and Coby Řadovo Zaměstnanec, has worked for the Kharkov Městská and Regional Administration since 1999.
He is Rovné Kharkovan (58), held Kharkovský’s engineering and construction institute.
In the past, you are talking about the fact that Kharkov does not have enough anti -air defense, but you say that over the city of lets practically nonstop. Have it improved, do you get any systems?
What is the bites of numbers, so it can’t be aware of safety. It’s a military question. Decision did not worsen the situations, but it does not work, even that it has improved, the protozoa yinak there would not be the horny interventions and destroyed buildings.
Trump: Acting with Russian and Ukraine probes Dobře
War in Ukrainian

The Czech Republic is a long -term support of Ukraine, both militarily and humanitarian. Significant aid also fits to Kharkov, where it is the case of health equipment. Během své visitors of the Czech Republic are scheduled for example, for example, the SE SE representatives of the presidential office or with the Government of the Government for Reconstruction of Ukraine Tomáš kopečný. What do you follow with?
I don’t want to ask for anything. We are already working together and we have a welded way, so we are these specific projects. It is for example to obtain support for the reconstruction of objects that were Během a fierce attack 25. (Russia Tehdy was most important to the energy infrastructure, note ed.).
Other projects are in dealing, some for example, for example, the treatment of drinking waters, the support of the transport transport, the reconstruction of the healthcare, which was damaged. In the mercy there were 58 hospitals and a health center and the Czech Republic was 42. For example, the healthcare precipitations in the evaluation of about 450 thousand DOLARS (Přís 11 million crowns).
The long -hapming of us like a city connects us with Brno, who, who is going to get 20 trolleybus.
Czech companies supplies to Velké to Ukraine the so -called. Cogeneration units that can provide energy and heat. It is also to Kharkov. How does this help you, especially in the winter season, when the dragging of the strict supplier life of the city?
The cogeneration units of the very enlisted, the cruise we have also scored the other 25. Jen thanks to the units from the Czech Republic have managed to provide us with the supply of electricity. We are planning to buy another one.
How is the provision of medical health with the fact that 42 out of 58 cuts were chosen? Do you handle citizens and wounded soldiers from the nearby queues to make sure you can do it?
I would have distributed it. Soldiers have their trips and hospitals, where the need is provided. I won’t talk about it. What is the civilians, so we were nucni to adjust the provision of medical care, but there is a několik of the Víceobor hospitals, the family gates work. Bohužel complicates the situation that we have the staff of the staff, the people of the people, but the provision of services is in Kharkova Zajištěno, to be a matter of distribution. There is also a medical emergency service.
Ukrainians retained a lawyer who has verbed informants for Russian

I would like to emphasize the work of the rescuers, who are the first intervention at the first and working in the intervention and the bahem of the fragmentation. I have experienced that my eyes Někteří Lékari Zemřeli heaven were wounded, but even this danger is trying to provide the maximum good quality.
In the Czech Republic, but also in the Czech Republic, in the Valka repeatedly, how to prepare citizens to the ease of military conflict. Někteří talks about re -education compulsory wars or military education in schools. Were the inhabitants of Kharko’s in theory, theoretically prepared for the conflict, or do they learn it on the go?
In schools was the Předmět Branná education, but it was the theory. With reality, it was little spole. We can see that they were taught on the go. When I look at it today, so it is very important that the foundations must not be aware of every child, if there is already a military education or response to certain situations, as well as providing the first aid. In the case of the situation, it will decide the volumes. Everything would be told, as the right data, for example, a strand, the protozoes from it will grow the forecast for a wounded man. But here, here they consider Klíčová.
How will Chark look like a few towns, year, after the end of the war…? Do you worry about recharging it?
I’m not afraid of it. We want to give you all the fact that Kharkov is to be an important center in the field of industry or indoor. I think it will not be for the cities until the war ends, but for the time we are all and we prepare projects. Kharkov is a beautiful city, without fonding a bladder, and even if the bahem of the war is a pure and comfortable for life.
Where do you see you after the end of the war? Will you be lusty for a cruise, or will you want to rest after demanding war flights?
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War in Ukrainian