“The Israeli army will be held to the peak of Hermon and in the security zone after an unmissed time to ensure the safety community in the Golan Heights and the north, as well as the inhabitant of Israel,” The Minister scored in allusions on the first time a demilitarized zone at Israel occupied by the Golan Heights, which was occupied by Jen Několik hours after the hezing of Assad. The demilitarized zone was formed in the year 1974 and the UN observer mission will be used in the time.
“We will not allow the non -reigning forces to settle in the security zone of Jihu Syria… We will be against how to threat,” Kac said today. According to the Israeli Minister, Israel will be talked to contacts with “the residency” in the area of Syria, with Důraz, with a numerous Drúza community that “has historical and close family relationships with our Drus cousins in Israel”.
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Israel described the wooden occupation of demilitarized zones as temporary cares, and I was going to prevent non -commenter forces to use the power vacuum in Syria to pronic into the strategic zone and to heat the Israeli territory. Israel, in the past, stated that that the same day of his units initated to the Syrian territories outside this zone.
Israel occupied the Golan heights for the six -width of the 1967 -1967 War and in 1981 it is in conflict with the UN resolutions annexed. In 2019, US President Donald Trump Během Během’s first functional period podpepepsal decret, Jimea acknowledged Israeli sovereignty over the Golansian heights. The UN, the EU or the League of the Arabian stands consider Golana to be occupied by Israel.
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