Whenever you manage successfully cure the disease even without antibioticsit is a small success: there will be no unnecessary disruption of the immune system. And the overuse of antibiotics is unfortunately one of the things that weakens your defenses.
Symptoms of angina
It is certainly not advisable to underestimate the suspicion of angina. “The main symptoms of angina they are sore throat and difficulty swallowing, swollen tonsils with a yellow-white or gray-white coating, headache, joint, muscle pain, increased temperature, general fatigue. However, antibiotics are only needed if the disease is of bacterial origin, they do not cope well with viral diseases,” explains Jiří Stabla, an expert in healthy nutrition from Konopné lékáren. Angina, or tonsillitis, is an inflammation of the tonsils and it can be caused not only by bacteria, but also by viruses or yeast.
How to treat angina without antibiotics
Even in the case of bacterial origin of the disease, if you start the treatment already in the initial phase, you may be able to avoid antibiotics. What measures need to be implemented?
1. Rest and peace
“Peace and rest should be the main point of treatment. If you want to stop the disease at the very beginning and prevent complications or the transition of the disease into chronicity, it is inevitable,” says Štefánia Ebenová, head doctor of the Meridian Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic.
The energy you get thanks to long sleep and lower stress load will contribute to faster and more effective treatment. It is also very suitable during rest ventilate regularly a humidify the air in the room to better relieve the pain and scratchy throat.
2. Drink herbs
A necessary part of the treatment is responsible adherence to the drinking regime. “The unpleasant scratching in the throat that accompanies angina is mainly helped by lukewarm liquids. Water or herbal infusions and teas are an ideal supplement for colds, colds and angina. For example, an infusion of hemp leaves has significant antibacterial effects, which are valuable for angina,” says Jiří Stabla. Recipe for hemp tea – infusion: pour one to two teaspoons of hemp leaves in 250 milliliters of boiling water and leave to infuse for approximately ten minutes.
3. Garlic and onions
“Garlic still remains the best natural home antibiotic, possibly in combination with onions. Chew it and try to swallow it slowly, you can also add a little honey. Drink a garlic drink to enhance the effect,” recommends Štefánia Ebenová. And what is it like recipe for healing garlic tea? Put a teaspoon of grated garlic, a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of cayenne pepper into a cup of hot water. What happens if you start eating garlic every day?
4. Prohibited and permitted foods
Natural treatment consists mainly in strengthening the defense. In this context, a healthy diet with sufficient intake of important nutrients is also very important. “In case of angina, avoid all spicy and fatty foods. On the other hand, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, mung beans, amaranth or watermelon, on the contrary, help to clear the so-called internal heat and support the treatment,” says Štefánia Ebenová. Make an example warm mung bean salad.
5. Gargling
Use suitable ones during illness natural gargles: relieve pain and inflammation. How to use water and salt as a gargle? “Dissolve one teaspoon in 250 ml of lukewarm water. Or prepare an infusion of fennel or licorice for gargling – let it cool to room temperature before use,” advises nutrition expert Jiří Stabla.
When to go to the doctor
If you consistently follow all the measures that you introduce already at the beginning of the disease, there is a high probability that you will overcome it even without antibiotics. However, if the situation does not improve after three days of this treatment, or if other problems arise, it is time to consult a specialist.
- Description – Tonsillitis: acute inflammation of the tonsils. It is caused by bacteria, viruses and yeasts, sometimes accompanied by general diseases (mononucleosis, leukemia, syphilis, sleepdiphtheria).
- Symptoms – Severe pain in the throat, temperature or feverstiffness, swelling of the neck nodes.
- Incubation period – It depends on the microorganism that is the cause of the disease, usually it is a few days.
- Treatment – It depends on the cause: antibiotics are used for bacterial angina.
- Prevention – Strengthening immunity, frequent hand washing, good oral hygiene, not sharing dishes with sick people.