The Corporates Saled Six of the Tyrian Prohlids in cooperation with the ČIŽP Inspectors have secured the osmniect of the lively unjustified unjustified buds. The Většina of the Exemplars is an extension of extinction and trade with them is subtle to the very “rule of rule. The entertaine was not extended by the unmilled ojce and dermoplastic preparations.
“Criminal all -man has accused of committing the offense of unauthorized loading with protected loose lives and plans by rostrils. A man from Albrechtic was not accused of committing the offense of illicit armaments and illicit production and yin loading with narcotic and psychotropic substances and poisons, ”said Daniela Vlčková, Moravian Police Moravian. The ptaks were found to be found drugs and outflowers.
This Pětašedesátily man was also accused of abusing, the protozoa of the exemplary of predatory birds kept in strong unstopping sub -links in apartment 2+1 in a block of flats, in which they did not get enough movement and pros.
His basis was a regional soud in Ostrava. “She was an approved agreement for wine and punishment. This man was navigated by the niche of Kakariki Rudočel and the Three of their Venice, caught two free lives of the forest, and scored 13.5 pounds of marijuana, Pistoli Kommer and rumor charges. He was imposed on a foaming sentence of 200,000 crowns and three -year -old tutorials with a pile, ”informed Igor Krajdl, the Ostrava regional Soudl.
Protected birds of prey hunted for the sake of the need
Another Čtyři accused the district Soud in Karviné, at the last of the six Ještě there was no indictment. Jan Martikán Nophek Řekl, the District Souda in Karviné, that capturing precious buds from loose ranks men started in the year 2023, a bigger mileage continued and Během Loňska continued. They hunted the main in Karvinsko, the edge and on the territory of Frýdecko-Místecka.
“One of them did not speak to the hunting of hunting, the renewal of the exhaustion was said that the bigger or lesser -mileage of the precipitation of predatory buds, so the hunting of hunting should be cleaned.
He added that one of the accused men completed the long -harshs of the Dressure of predatory birds of prey for schools and other entities and such a enclosure activity in the Sokolnictvi area.
“Většina accused at home keeps the other buds he has legally. For the Neta specimens in the project, the fact was that they were wounded, and the accused were married to the reindeer in the effort to provide a place to give up. At this, this Čyřely accused did not bust the scientific intentions of the science of the lifetime of the given bars or the bodily died into the game, Měli is clean for the main need, ”the Martian described.
The man abused pigeons, the protozh is used as a bait
At one of Ctveřice, however, Karvinský Souda Řešil by the Breeding of Vlářat. “And it was clean of the fact that he used the bait of live pigeons to the protected predators. In a relationship to the pigeons, his dealing is considered to be abused, the protozoles were olozeni in motion, when they were in the paste, and experienced stress. With any of this, however, there was no procasan that they would abuse the caught protected buds, ”said the Karvinski Souda.
District Soud in Karviné Věci decided without diving the team that he issued a criminal basis, which was all accused of foaming penalties of 10 to 100,000 crowns. Navíc Soud decided to propad the routine, so she was a zajištěn vivířata and equipped for their catch and breeding. The three of the accused decisions of Souda and the foamy punishment have already been paid and one has filed a resistance.
“The man demanded us to be paid to prosecute against him with the undermine, and I will stand up to his fabrication of integrity and that he was lodging at the cash desk. , ”The Martian said with the team that Soud suited him. “He issued the resolutions of the undermine cessation of the prosecution, with which he also made the stated representatives,” Řekls.
Rescue of caught bars sees
The Czech inspection of life Prostředí Miriam Loužecká novelty sděli was that the seized osmnícti birds of prey managed to return to the free races. “It is meant to be municipal, if the forest, the owl and the Poštík municipal. Unfortunately, the rearing of the seated eggs failed. It was a bread of a papouška kakariki rudočelého, ”said Loužecká.
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