You also have the obligation to file a declaration if you have made any changes to the previously declared real estate – an extension, an extension or partially destroyed it, i.e. you have changed the type or size of the land or building.
At the same time, you should contact the tax office even if you no longer own any real estate because you sold, donated or otherwise disposed of it in 2024. Those who do not opt out may receive a slip or other payment order in the spring, even though they no longer have anything to pay for.
If there has been no change for you and you have already submitted your tax return in previous years, you do not need to submit a new one for 2025.
The deadline for submitting real estate tax is approaching. Officials go to the villages
If you don’t know how to do it, you can use the help of tax authorities. “In January, specialists from the ranks of the employees of the Financial Administration will make 330 trips to municipalities to offer taxpayers personal consultations and help with filling out tax returns. At the same time, office hours will be extended at all tax offices in the last week of January,” said the Financial Administration.
“Professional help will be especially appreciated by those who are not sure of the correct filling in of the tax return or do not know whether they are required to file a tax return this year,” added the Director General of the Financial Administration, Simona Hornochová.
The return can be filed at the tax office or electronically via the Moje daně portal. For those who have a data box set up by law, electronic submission is mandatory.
New rights of municipalities
The real estate tax itself needs to be paid by May 31. Those who pay more than five thousand crowns can halve the amount and pay the other half by the end of November. Farmers and fish farmers have until August 31 and November 30.
In addition to the rate, the amount of property tax is also influenced by the local coefficient, which is set by the municipalities. According to the rules from last year, municipalities can set a local coefficient for agricultural land, i.e. fields, vineyards, hop farms, gardens or orchards, in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 and for other immovable property in the range of 0.5 to 5. A lower coefficient than one can even reduce the resulting tax.
Even last year, municipalities could determine the local coefficient either for the entire territory of the municipality or for its individual parts. They could thus impose a higher coefficient for a part of the village where there were, for example, more lucrative real estate or industrial areas. Now they can only issue measures of a general nature.
“Any changes in coefficient rates are not a reason for filing a tax return, in these cases the Financial Administration itself recalculates the amount of tax,” pointed out the tax advisor of Forvis Mazars Gabriela Ivanco.
Last year, the consolidation package also introduced an inflation coefficient, which is supposed to be based on the growth of the price level and is supposed to prevent a real tax reduction over time every year. For this year, however, it has a value of one, just like last year. It will not affect the amount of levies in any way.
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There are only a few changes
Last year’s real estate tax assessment surprised many people. On average, due to the consolidation package, they paid 80 percent more than a year earlier, but for some it increased up to four times, by several thousand crowns. Fortunately, that is not a threat now.
While last year there were about forty changes, this year there are only a few of them. “Some previous exemptions have been cancelled, for example for land with natural formations such as wetlands, ravines or rocks.
On the other hand, new exemptions have been introduced that support ecological initiatives. Owners of land with ecologically significant elements, for example with rows of trees or groups of trees, may be exempt from tax if these elements are registered in the register of ecologically significant elements,” said Gabriela Ivanco. “However, it is necessary for such an ecologically significant element to be entered in the register as of January 1, 2025,” she pointed out.
From this year, it also applies that the subject of taxation of forest land is only economic forests intended for the production of wood. If there is a special purpose forest or protective forest on the forest land, which protects the land from erosion, then this part of the land is not subject to tax.
There is also a change in the exemption of land for publicly accessible parks, spaces and sports grounds. These are newly exempted only to the extent that they include a public open space, publicly accessible sports field or road.
“If the exemption applies to the entire plot, it is not necessary to state it in the tax return. In the event that the exemption applies only to part of the land, it is necessary to write it in the tax return,” added Ivanco.
Small village with 123 inhabitants. Where does the most money go from the property tax?