
Batı Balkanlar Yatırımcılar İçin Cazip Bölge


Western Balkans Attractive Region for Investors

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia attract attention as the “last ...

Uluslararası Balkan Forumu Gerçekleşti


International Balkan Forum Held

The “International Balkan Forum” was organized under the coordination of the International Civil Society Coordination ...

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan


Namazgah Mosque, opened by President Erdoğan, realized the century-old dream of Albanian Muslims

Tirana Namazgah Mosque, the largest mosque in the Balkans, the construction of which was undertaken ...

İstanbul Jet


Great Investment in Dalaman from Istanbul Jet

Istanbul Jet Deputy Chairman and General Manager Hüseyin Latifoğlu said that they plan to carry ...

Sırbistan Cumhurbaşkanı Vucic: "Türkiye, Balkanlar


Serbian President Vucic: “Türkiye is the largest and most powerful country in the Balkans”

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, “Türkiye is one of the biggest actors in the Balkans, ...

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Arnavutluk Ziyareti Öncesi Tiran


President Erdoğan Decorated Tirana with Flags Before His Visit to Albania

Current Before President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Albania, the streets of Tirana were decorated ...

Szijjarto: Batı Balkanlar AB için önemli


Szijjarto: Western Balkans are important for the EU

Current Hungarian Minister Szijjarto emphasized that the Western Balkans should not wait long for EU ...

AJet 8 Yeni Dış Hattı Açtı


AJet Opened 8 New International Routes

As of today, AJet has put into operation 8 new international routes extending to the ...

Türkiye, ZEPS Fuarı


Türkiye participates in ZEPS Fair with 35 companies

Türkiye participates in the ZEPS Fair, one of the most important general trade fairs in ...

Orban: Batı Balkanlar AB


Orban: Western Balkans Deserve the EU More

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated that it is very important to keep the European ...