
Batı Balkanlar Liderleri AB


Western Balkans Leaders Meet to Discuss EU Growth Plan

Western Balkans regional leaders met in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, to discuss the ...

Kar ne zaman yağacak? 27-28 Ocak hafta sonu kar yağışı var mı?


When will it snow? Is there snowfall on the weekend of January 27-28?

When will it snow? The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Disaster Affairs Department AKOM announced that snowfall ...

Macaristan, Bosna Hersek


Hungary supports Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial integrity and EU membership

Current Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated that they strongly support Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial ...

Cumhur İttifakı Edirne Belediye Başkan Adayı Belgin İba, seçim çalışmalarını sürdürüyor


People’s Alliance Edirne Mayoral Candidate Belgin İba continues her election campaign

Current People’s Alliance Edirne Mayoral Candidate Belgin İba continues to visit civil society organizations and ...



Imperial Eagle Conservation and Monitoring Efforts in Thrace

Current In Thrace, monitoring and protection efforts are being carried out for the imperial eagle, ...

Sırbistan Cumhurbaşkanı Vucic, bölgedeki istikrarı koruyacaklarını belirtti


Serbian President Vucic said they will maintain stability in the region

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that they will maintain stability in the region. Vucic received ...

DTİK Üyeleri Türkiye


DTİK Members met hosted by the Turkish Embassy in Belgrade

Members of the World Turkish Business Council (DTİK), operating under the umbrella of the Foreign ...

Bulgar-Türk İş İnsanları Derneği Edirne Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası ile Toplantı Yaptı


Bulgarian-Turkish Business People Association Held a Meeting with Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Members of the Bulgarian-Turkish Business People Association (BULTİŞ) came together with the members of the ...

TBMM Milli Savunma Komisyonu Başkanvekili Refik Özen, Bulgaristan Savunma Bakanı ile görüştü


Deputy Chairman of the TBMM National Defense Commission, Refik Özen, met with the Bulgarian Defense Minister

Deputy Chairman of the TBMM National Defense Commission and AK Party Bursa Deputy Refik Özen ...



A Talk on the Place and Importance of Tekkes in Turkish Culture was Held in Pristina

Current A talk titled ‘The Place and Importance of Dervish Lodges in Turkish Culture’ was ...